A podcast about Data Science
No math, no equations, just intuitions behind Data Science.
Available on all major podcast platforms.
Click on the links below to choose your platform of interest or listen to the episodes by using player links on this page.
The episodes are not in any particular order, and you can just play any episode and find something related to Data Science.
Central Limit Theorem
A quick introduction to central limit theorem and why it helps data analysis
Neural Networks
Can we think of neural networks as layers of decisions with regression and classification at each layer?
What is the intuition behind cross-validation for estimating population parameters?
Ground Truths in Data Science
What is a population and what is a sample? What exactly do we want to do with them?
Thoughts on Machine Learning
What is Machine Learning? What are supervised and unsupervised machine learning methods?
Recommendation Systems Using Content
Building recommendation systems using content - features of users and items
Recommendation Systems Using Observed Data
Building recommendation systems using observed interaction data