Ashay Javadekar


For the most of career, I have merged by training in Engineering with my passion for creativity and storytelling. This is the story how I have done that.


Computers + Theater + Medicine

I grew up in a family of doctors. My mom and dad both practiced medicine. However, along with their medical practice, they were hugely interested in theater and performing arts, and technology. Whenever a new piece of technology got introduced in the market, my dad used to bring it home and use it either for his medical practice or theater writing. I got introduced to 486 computers, multimedia machines, Lotus 123, Aldus Pagemaker, Corel Draw very early on in my life. My dad also invested in stocks and had a stock broker business on the side, and he used many mathematical softwares for that. Both of them used computers for maintaining patient records, and used visual softwares for creating artwork for theater and performing arts.

Aldus Corel.jpg

There was a newspaper stand near my place. I used to go there and pick up computer magazines. I was not interested much in the magazine, but the CD was used to ship with the magazine. The CD had trial versions for softwares that I could try. I remember trying out several music writing softwares in my childhood. I had a keyboard, and I used to connect it to the computer using a MIDI cable, and record tracks in the software. Then I used to mix them with the stock tracks available in the software to write jingles.

PC Magazie and MIDI.jpg

So in general, since my childhood, I have seen art and technology merging.

art tech.jpg

Ph.D. Engineering

UD Logo.png
MS Flow Chart.jpg
MS Flow Chart 4.jpg

Video Editing

Final Cut Studio.jpg
Yard Sale.jpg

Technically Perfect, Emotionally Weak

Ashay Tech publications headers.jpg
Structure of paper.jpg


story structure.jpg
Ashay Website Cards.jpg

Bloom gray green2.png
BE Newark DE.jpg
2 to 300.png
Interview Portfolio - Ashay J.jpg

Bloom University

Interview Portfolio - Ashay J.jpg
Interview Portfolio - Ashay J (1).jpg
Bobby and Mr Bloom.png
2. storyboard.jpg
6. story ending.jpg
Culture of Work V5 original.jpg
Interview Portfolio - Ashay J (2).jpg

Scaling Up with Consistent Quality



Interview Portfolio - Ashay J (1).jpg


A3 Movie Project Selection.jpg


Interview Portfolio - Ashay J (1).jpg
Manufacturing podcast.gif


A3 Movie Project Selection (1).jpg

Feature Films

shanks poster.jpg
DNA Poster.jpg
DNA Reviews recent.jpg
pre prod post.png
DNA Status.jpg
DNA Whole Storyboard in one image.jpg
PHOTO-2019-11-17-23-54-07 2.jpg
PHOTO-2019-11-17-23-54-07 4.jpg
DNA Status (3).jpg
DNA Status.jpg
NJE Overall Marketing Strategy.jpg
Interview Portfolio - Ashay J (1).jpg
NJE Overall Marketing Strategy (1).jpg

Creative Scale-up Inspired Business Scale-up

Bloomenergy datasheets.jpg


Lab University

Interview Portfolio - Ashay J (1).png
Upgrade Options for KNET.jpg
LabU Virtual Process.png


(Tool Agnostic Innovation)

Python templates.jpg
Interview Portfolio - Ashay J (4).jpg
Interview Portfolio - Ashay J (2).jpg
Interview Portfolio - Ashay J (3).jpg